We've done extensive research to provide you with the best options for health insurance.
All you need to do is choose the option that suits you best.
Health Insurance
Healthcare for everyone is finally here and changes to the laws and health coverages are currently being administered. MedSave.com can help you navigate through the confusion and understand the different types of health insurance, which vary from state to state. To get started, browse any articles that relate to your specific situation, then get quotes from a few insurance plans.
There are two main types of health insurance in the United States
The first type of health insurance is intended to cover unexpected and catastrophic medical expenses and generally provides benefits based on the amount of the medical expenses incurred. This is typically referred to as major medical insurance. Other plans like Medicare, Medicaid and HMOs also fall into this category. The distinguishing characteristic of this insurance is that benefits are usually paid directly to the medical service provider, or they are paid to reimburse the insured for medical bills already paid.
5 steps to take before you buy cancer insurance
Cancer insurance sounds like a good idea when you hear frightening statistics about the prevalence of the disease. According to the most recent... Read more
As more people become addicted to painkillers,
the more it costs you
The number of people addicted to prescription painkillers such as OxyContin and Vicodin is climbing rapidly -- so much so that the Centers for... Read more